Freelancing: why does it exist?

As a freelance writer, I’ve had the opportunity to learn about many different freelancing careers. In fact, freelancing is one of the most common ways people work today. While there are plenty of reasons why someone might choose freelancing over traditional employment, there’s one question that always comes up when I talk about it: Why does it even exist in the first place?

The answer is more complicated than you might think — and it actually goes back thousands of years!

Freelancing is a choice you make to not be dependent on money coming to you from an employer. You are your own boss and have more flexibility in what you do, when and how it’s done.

Freelancing provides flexibility

The first and most obvious reason that freelancing exists is because it allows people who have other things they want to do outside of work the flexibility to pursue them. This can be anything from traveling the world, spending more time with family or pursuing a passion project that isn’t your job.

Whether you’re a parent who wants more time with their children or an aspiring writer looking for an outlet for your creative energy, freelancing provides an opportunity for people who might otherwise not be able to make those kinds of choices in life.

Freelancing means that you have freedom

When you’re a freelancer, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do and how much time and energy you want to put into it. You can work from anywhere in the world–your home, a coffee shop, a coworking space–and at any pace that suits your lifestyle.

You also have complete control over when and where your workday starts and ends (or doesn’t). If there are times when all of those tasks seem insurmountable or just downright overwhelming? That’s okay! Take some time off from them until things feel manageable again; no one will judge you for having some downtime so long as they know when they can expect their project back on track again.

Freelancing allows you to choose

Freelancing allows you to choose your own location, environment, and working hours. You can work from home or in a coffee shop; on the beach or in a mountain cabin; at any time during the day that is convenient for you. You don’t have to worry about getting stuck in traffic because of an accident on the freeway. And if there’s no one around who wants to talk with you after lunchtime? No problem! Just go eat somewhere else!

Freelancing helps you build up your skillset

Freelancing is a great way to learn new skills. If you’ve ever been in an office job, then you know that one of the biggest challenges is learning how to do things quickly and efficiently. When you’re freelancing, however, there is no one telling you how things should be done–you get to figure it out for yourself!

This will help your career in two ways: First off, if the job requires certain software or platforms (like WordPress) then it helps if you know how those work because otherwise it will take longer than necessary (and time is money!). Second off and most importantly though; when interviewing for another position later down the line with another company or organization they may ask questions related directly back towards this experience such as “Can I see some examples?” or even better yet “What did we do wrong?”.

It can often be more profitable

Freelancing can often be more profitable than having a regular job, especially if there is no salary cap on what people are making and all work is evaluated by its value rather than just whether or not it was completed on time.

Salary caps are often imposed on freelancers because it’s difficult to evaluate the value of their work. If you’re an employee, your company knows exactly how much money they have invested in your training and experience before hiring you–and thus how much they expect from you as a result. But when someone becomes self-employed, their performance isn’t necessarily tied directly to profit margins; instead, it’s determined by client satisfaction and reputation (which can lead to repeat business). This makes it harder for clients who aren’t familiar with evaluating quality work from different industries or fields of expertise which may have little overlap with their own field(s) knowledge base..

You can get paid in advance and upfront

You may be wondering how freelancers can get paid in advance and upfront. While this is a great option for some, it can also be a risk if you aren’t careful.

Let’s say that your client pays you $10/hour with an estimated deadline of 2 weeks. That would mean that if they fire you before the project is complete, then that money is lost forever! This can be pretty scary for people who depend on their income from clients being consistent (or at least until another job comes along).

If a person understands themself well enough to know what he or she wants out of life, they should be able to find something.

Freelancing is not just about getting paid for your work; it can also allow you the flexibility to pursue other things outside of work. You may have hobbies that require time–such as playing the guitar, -and freelancing allows people who need this kind of flexibility in their life choices the freedom they need.

It’s important to remember that freelancing is a career choice, not a job. It’s not something you do for a few hours each week–it’s something you live and breathe. In order to succeed at it, you need passion, determination, and commitment–and these qualities won’t just come from nowhere!