Is hiring a remote worker a good idea?

Remote workers have been gaining popularity for their flexibility and affordability. However, many companies have limited access to remote workers. But a number of new programs and initiatives are bringing these employees into the workplace, including an increasing number of virtual assistants (VAs). Virtual Assistants are on the rise as more people embrace the flexibility that comes with working from home or another location away from the office. In addition to VAs, there are other types of remote workers such as contractors, consultants, and freelancers who can provide services to businesses without being present at company headquarters full-time. Let’s take a look at how these programs work and how they enable inclusivity through access!

Virtual Assistants are increasingly mainstream

It’s important to remember that virtual assistants have been around for a long time. They are becoming more mainstream, but they aren’t new.

The most common types of virtual assistants are:

  • Virtual assistants (aka VA) – these are independent contractors who can help with administrative tasks, such as booking travel and organizing schedules.
  • Freelance writers, graphic artists, and editors – these professionals can provide content writing services for blogs or articles; graphics or illustration; editing services on written material.
  • Social media experts – these individuals can help with content creation for social media channels and online marketing. Virtual assistants are popular because they can help with many different tasks. For example, if you’re a small business owner who needs help with scheduling, responding to emails, and other administrative tasks, then a virtual assistant is perfect for that!

The best part about hiring a virtual assistant is that it’s affordable. While you will have to pay for the service, it’s much cheaper than hiring a full-time employee or paying someone to do the job on an hourly basis.

Companies often don’t have the capacity to hire in-house, but they still need help.

As an employer, you may not have the capacity to hire in-house. You might want to hire a new employee but can’t afford the overhead costs of an office or waiting for them to move into your city. Or maybe you need help now and don’t have time to go through the whole hiring process.

If this sounds familiar, there are other options besides hiring someone local and taking on some risk as they learn to work remotely or trying hard at finding a full-time remote worker who is already doing what you need done. Hiring remote workers allows companies access to a larger pool of talent without requiring them (or their clients) any additional cost or infrastructure changes like needing an office space that supports employees working remotely.

By outsourcing tasks and hiring virtual assistants, companies are able to access a larger pool of talent.

You might think that hiring remote workers is a way to avoid inclusion. But it’s actually a fantastic opportunity for companies to access a larger pool of talent.

Companies can hire people with different skills, knowledge and experience than they would find locally. They can also hire people who are not geographically constrained by proximity. This gives them access to a much wider range of skillsets and perspectives, which helps them create more innovative products or services.

The fact is that some companies may not be able to afford their current office space if they hired local employees instead of hiring remote workers from around the world at lower cost per hour rate than local employees. This leads us back full circle: if companies want access opportunities in their community, then they need policies like paid family leave that make it possible for employees who need flexibility so they don’t have limited options when faced with life emergencies (such as caring for sick children).

Working remotely has allowed people with disabilities to contribute their skills and experience to the workforce.

Working remotely is a great way to include people with disabilities in the workforce. Many people who are unable to work in an office setting due to their disability still want to contribute their skills, experience, and knowledge. Working remotely allows them to do this, while still maintaining some level of independence and control over their lives. For example, remote workers can choose when they start and finish each day based on what works best for them.

Rather, working from home also offers many benefits for parents of young children who may have difficulties getting around or balancing work responsibilities with childcare needs as well as other family responsibilities. Studies show that these types of employees tend to remain more productive than those working in traditional settings because they don’t have distractions like noisy coworkers or too much traffic between home and work locations

Virtual Assistants can be great for business

For the purpose of this article, I’m going to pretend that you’re a business owner and not an employee. In this case, remote assistants can be great for your business.

  • They can save you money on overhead costs (rent, utilities) and transportation costs (gas).
  • They can get things done faster than someone who is on site because they’re not commuting or taking time off in between tasks (eating lunch).
  • They will be more productive because they don’t have long commute times or long lunches when they are working remotely.
  • You won’t have to worry about hiring managers to manage a team of people or training new hires in different countries or states.

Hiring virtual assistants is potentially a great way of increasing inclusion in the workplace

You may have read that remote workers are often more productive than their in-house counterparts. But it’s unlikely you’ve considered how that might help people who face barriers to employment, such as racialized and queer presenting people.

Moreover, the ability to work remotely can be an important factor for many of these individuals who may find themselves having a hard time accessing traditional jobs because of their identity. For example, a recent study found that LGBTQ candidates were less likely to receive callbacks when they disclosed their gender or sexual orientation on applications and resumes—and this is only one potential reason why they might not get hired in the first place (or promoted).

Remote workers also have the added benefit of being able to work from anywhere and at any time: if your daily commute isn’t safe for walking or biking; if there aren’t any public transportation options available; if your job requires you to travel frequently; or even if you simply don’t enjoy going into an office every day (which can be true for many people), then working remotely could be an ideal solution for you!

Rounding up…

Hiring remote workers is a great way for companies to expand their talent pool, and it allows them to get more done with the same number of employees. It also opens up job opportunities for people with disabilities who might otherwise be excluded from working in an office environment. So far, there’s been little research into how this affects the mental health of virtual assistants themselves—or whether they feel isolated or depressed when they aren’t around other people in person. But overall, it seems like a win-win situation: if businesses can hire more qualified candidates by hiring remotely, then everyone wins!